Public Information Committee

The Public Information Committee is a vehicle for informing the general public about what Alcoholics Anonymous is, and is not.

Public Service Announcement AA Videos

Upon request, the committee provides speakers to schools, service clubs, union meetings, senior citizen centers, driving schools, etc. We are available to speak at events where the public gathers and where there is concern about alcohol abuse.

We also provide a booth at public events such as Health Fairs or Street Fairs.

For further information, please contact the Public Information Committee at 317-590-2679 or

What is AA?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.

Recognizing that many professionals have not had the opportunity to find out how the A.A. program works, our Public Information Committee and these pages are available to provide information about A.A. to members of the community whose profession may bring them in contact with anyone who may suffer from the disease of alcoholism. We hope to dispel many misconceptions about A.A. in the professional community.

There is no charge for any of these services; as part of our tradition of being self-supporting, A.A. does not accept outside contributions. A.A. members volunteer for these activities because service to others aids our recovery from Alcoholism.

Members of our committee would be happy to:

  • Arrange for A.A. members to present an overview of A.A. to you or your staff.
  • Mail or deliver pertinent literature.

The message we carry is simply an extension of the 12 step approach, carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers, by informing the person in a position of trust of what A.A. is, what A.A. does and does not do.